Education Sponsorship Program

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School Education Sponsorship Program

Children who enter our sponsorship program leave it with education, a way to provide income, and the confidence needed for adult life.
To assess the eligibility of children who need sponsorship we have a set of criteria. They must attend ImpAct center classes. We assess their families financial state. And we talk to the children about their future goals and their desire to study to ensure. Once the child and sponsor is identified an application is made to the school, and an interview takes place to see what grade the child should go into.

Where does your monthly sponsorship go ?

To cover the cost of uniforms, school supplies, application fees, examination costs and education fees we require the funds for the ongoing 12 months.

How do you communicate with your sponsored child ?

Every month ImpAct assists the child to communicate with their sponsor by sharing with them a record of the child's grades. The sponsor also receives monthly letters and photos from the child (this letter is translated from Hindi to English).